Las Vegas Graffiti Removal

Call for a free quote - 702-766-2588

  • Identify the tag (examine the substrate)
  • Flag off the area
  • Remove graffiti with eco-friendly solutions
  • Pressure wash the area clean
  • Before and after photos - no damage to property, restore it to new

In a city known for its creativity, it is tough to stop street artists from marking up your property. Homes and storefronts are always at odds with graffiti vandalism, but our Gorillas are here to help. Whether you are dealing with a small tag or full mural, our Las Vegas graffiti removal can help strip that unwanted paint. Most types of paints are designed to last, so getting rid of them is a tall order. Luckily for residents in Las Vegas, NV our Gorillas understand the best and most effective way to restore your space to its former glory.

Dealing With Graffiti in Las Vegas

Managing vandalism looks different to commercial and private property owners. For a business or storefront, ugly or offensive designs can put off foot traffic while homeowners see a drop in curb appeal. Both of these are hurtful in their own way and that is why our Gorillas not only work to remove unwanted designs but provide graffiti abatement as well. Your exterior walls, garage doors and other areas might as well be blank canvases for street artists, so painting over their work here and there isn’t much of a deterrent. Quick action, however can show low-budget Picassos that they are wasting their time. The longer that paint is allowed to sit on surfaces, the more likely it is to be hit again. Graffiti artists are competitive by nature, so seeing someone else’s tag or signature is an invitation to leave their own. Quick removal gets rid of this temptation and tells unwanted artists that their work won’t be tolerated.

In addition to looking awful, putting off paint removal can make the process more difficult in the long-term. Property maintenance specialists can remove newly applied paint in a flash but the longer it sits, the more difficult it becomes to deal with. The removal of graffiti is a top priority for many property owners but it isn’t uncommon for a small design to slip through the cracks. When left unattended, sunlight bakes stains deeper into the façades of structures. This means that even when removed properly, there may still be shadowing left behind. Don’t settle for a lighter version of unwanted stains, when you can have a Gorilla do it all.

The Gorilla Approach to Graffiti Removal

Instead of scrubbing or spraying water at problem areas, our Gorillas have a multi-step approach to restoring structures to their former glory. No job begins without a proper assessment. By taking a closer look at the condition of your walls or surfaces, our experts can avoid unnecessary damage. Once the area is prepped, stains are treated with our eco-friendly Gorilla Foam. By applying this specialty cleanser, superficial paint is pulled loose and can be removed with our Gorilla brushes. A soon as that is done, our experts dig deep into dips and grooves to remove every trace of paint.

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