Markham Window Cleaning

Call for a free quote - 647-559-9636

  • Reach up to 4 stories high from the ground
  • Water fed and/or by hand, using a squeegee
  • Frames and sills wiped clean
  • Before and after photos

Taking care of a property does not always agree with a busy schedule. Pulling time out of your day to suffer through basic chores is not always realistic – and its never fun! Because of this, exterior cleaning often falls to the wayside. Instead of letting your to-do list get out of hand, have a Gorilla lend a helping paw. Our Markham window cleaning services can tackle exterior cleaning services for both homes and businesses. 

What Makes Windows So Important

There is no question that clean glass looks great but it does more than just improve the view. When at their best, windows provide natural light, effect heating and create a comfortable, welcoming atmosphere. When they are at their worst, however, panes have a negative impact on both curb appeal and your bank account. In addition to increased utility bills, a messy exterior can also cost property owners by turning customers off of your business. No one want to walk passed a store window display, only to see streaks, stains or bird droppings.

Many property owners work tirelessly to have their spaces looking their best. This type of dedication is great but it does not necessarily spell results. Traditional window washing does not involve more than basic window cleaners and paper towels or newspapers. These might deal with superficial stains but keeping windows in good condition is not this easy. Ordinary cleaners can be harsh while the friction of wiping can create static cling that draws dirt right back. Basic wiping of exterior windows can also just move dirt into corners and angles. This puts added pressure on sills and frames. Fight back against unnecessary wear and tear and avoid drafts with professional window cleaning services.

What A Markham Window Cleaning Expert Can Do For You

It is easy to walk passed window panes without giving them much thought. Even if you do make a habit of wiping down glass from the inside, exteriors are left out in the cold. The reason that exterior cleaning is so difficult can be summed up in two words: technique and heights. The higher your glass is, the more difficult exterior window cleaning becomes. Luckily, our Gorillas know how to handle glass properly at any level (up to four storeys, that is).

Combining eco-friendly cleaning solutions with rubber tools, eliminates static cling and gets the best results possible. Water-fed poles are used to scrub not only glass but frames and sills as well. Along with results, our Gorillas bring expert customer service to the table. Aftercare, assessments and free estimates are always a part of Gorilla services.

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