There is no question that our Gorillas do good work. With in-depth training and top-notch tools, there is no stopping our property maintenance specialists when they get going. Instead of keeping these skills all to ourselves, our Gorillas are popping into homes all over North America – but don’t worry! Instead of entertaining our specialists, let us entertain you on an episode of Dragon’s Den. That’s right, our team of property-loving primates are swinging through television studios in order to make an appearance on the award-winning show.

Mark Amery, director of Feels Like Friday Brands will appear before the Dragons October 17th on CBS. Amery braves Dragon fire in order to represent Gorilla Property Services and their sister brands. Championing a multi-pronged approach to property maintenance works to better serve communities by caring for their work and living spaces. Instead of getting stage fright, our Gorilla team members are happy to get up in front of those Dragons and show them what we’re worth.

If you are already a Feels Like Friday Client or are just a Gorilla enthusiast, make sure to tune to see exactly what makes our brands, services and staff members so special.