Over the last year, consumers are seeing a stark shift from brick and mortar shops to online sales. With retail giants like Amazon more popular than ever, it is important to look locally for your goods and services. While products sales are thriving online, services like property maintenance don’t work that way.
Maintenance and cleaning services can help to create inviting environments for shoppers and tenants. Choosing locally owned and operated services can not only leave your property looking its best, but small businesses help to keep money within the community, creating jobs and boosting the local economy.
How Local Business Benefits Your Community
“Shop Local” is a popular phrase but not everyone understands just how far a dollar can go when it is kept in a community. From exterior spaces to local suppliers and transparent treatments, there are a few things to consider when scheduling community services.
Create Inviting Retail Communities: In any city or town, “Main Street” areas are important hubs for shopping. City centres are known for unique shops and products, and are great for attracting tourists. Creating an inviting environment for shoppers can help to attract more foot traffic and benefit entire regions.
Attract New Tenants: Property managers are responsible for caring for multi-unit and commercial spaces but there is also an obligation to keep spaces occupied. A building without renters is a waste of space and resources. Graffiti or ground-in dirt can give properties a look of neglect, which can deter potential renters. Don’t miss out on opportunities when you can have local services strips away stains.
Create Jobs: When a small business thrives, expansion is just around the corner. The bigger the business, the more employees are needed and the more jobs become available in the area. There can never be enough jobs or enough opportunity!
Customer Experience: No one care more about their customers than their own friends and neighbours. Nothing beats personalized service and treatments that are catered to your unique needs.
Support Other Small Businesses and Suppliers: No one understands the importance of supporting small business, like a small business owner. By putting money into small businesses, they have the ability to support other local establishments by seeking out supplies from other local vendors. From cleaning supplies to uniforms, vehicle wraps and tools, there is always room to grow the local economy.