Wood Buffalo Graffiti Removal

Call for a free quote - 780-851-7213

  • Identify the tag (examine the substrate)
  • Flag off the area
  • Remove graffiti with eco-friendly solutions
  • Pressure wash the area clean
  • Before and after photos - no damage to property, restore it to new

Graffiti pops up in the most unexpected of places. You might think that your home or work space is safe from danger but just when you least expect it, paint happens. Whether graffiti is splashed across your home or workspace, our Gorillas can remove it for you. Your Wood Buffalo graffiti removal is only one phone call away, so don’t suffer unnecessarily!

Graffiti In Your Area

Graffiti in the Wood Buffalo community can either be appreciated or hated, it all depends on the who, what, where, when and why. If you are reviewing graffiti artwork in a gallery, designed by a notable artist – what’s not to like? When spray paint makes its way onto your home, however, that is an issue. The community of Wood Buffalo has gone above and beyond to accommodate graffiti in a productive way. By using graffiti abatement murals to draw attention away from properties, the hope was to put an end to graffiti vandalism – but things don’t always go according to plan. Recently. instances of graffiti are spiking, appearing on storefronts, residences and even vehicles. Instead of tolerating unwanted graffiti, call a Gorilla for your Wood Buffalo graffiti removal.

Wood Buffalo Graffiti Removal: Getting The Job Done

When spray paint finds its way onto your home, there is one safe way to remove it: by calling a professional! Trying to take graffiti off all on your own can lead to a bigger and badder stain. If surface paint is pulled up and allowed to drip down, it will extend the stain through bleeding. When you enlist a Gorilla for your Wood Buffalo graffiti removal, all affected areas are sectioned off to prevent any paint bleeding. Once your stained areas are secured, our Gorilla Foam is put to use, lifting surface stains. This eco-friendly cleanser removes stains safely without being harsh on your homes exteriors. Once superficial discolourations are out of the way, our Gorillas can assess anything left behind through pressure washing or even paint matching.

Additional Services we offer in Wood Buffalo and Surrounding Areas:

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