Pitt Meadows Graffiti Removal

Call for a free quote - 604-467-4552

  • Identify the tag (examine the substrate)
  • Flag off the area
  • Remove graffiti with eco-friendly solutions
  • Pressure wash the area clean
  • Before and after photos - no damage to property, restore it to new

Creativity is alive and well in British Columbia but unwanted art has a tendency to bleed out into the streets. It is not uncommon for residents of Pitt Meadows to have their properties marred by graffiti but our Gorillas can help. Instead of accepting graffiti as a fact of life, our Gorillas want to help protect your space with our Pitt Meadows graffiti removal service.

Graffiti: Anywhere & Everywhere

If you are local to the Pitt Meadows area, you have probably seen graffiti spread out over the town. Whether the design is a tag, a pattern or even a cartoon character, they all have one thing in common: they are unwanted! It is impossible to predict just where graffiti artists will hit next but one thing is certain: no where is safe. Gorilla technicians have been called out for our Pitt Meadows graffiti removal service on areas as large as exterior walls or garages, to post boxes to street signs. Vandalism does not differentiate between residential and commercial properties and neither do we. Gorilla Property Services can remove graffiti everywhere from storefronts to homes and even multi-unit strata properties.

Pitt Meadows Graffiti Removal: More Than Meets The Eye

Gorilla Property Services has been in the industry for decades and have, during that time, developed a system for graffiti removal. Combining specialty tools and eco-friendly cleaning solutions, Gorillas treat every aspect of your graffiti issues. More than one simple design, aerosol sprays leave overspray and shadowing around the initial design. Instead of removing obvious staining alone, our Pitt Meadows graffiti removal treats various layers of your property. Starting with an initial application of our specialty cleaning compounds, Gorillas make sure to avoid any destructive practices to your space. In fact, we protect it into the future. If you are often finding yourself to be the target of neighbourhood graffiti, our Gorilla Anti-Graffiti Coating can help. This coating is applied to the exterior of your property, and dries clear. The next time your find yourself in need of our Pitt Meadows graffiti removal, we can perform without the use of chemicals at all.

Call today to book an appointment for your Pitt Meadows graffiti removal and find out how our Gorillas can help you out.

Additional Services we offer in Pitt Meadows and Surrounding Areas:

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