Georgetown Graffiti Removal

Call for a free quote - 905-963-9059

  • Identify the tag (examine the substrate)
  • Flag off the area
  • Remove graffiti with eco-friendly solutions
  • Pressure wash the area clean
  • Before and after photos - no damage to property, restore it to new

Framed and commissioned art can give a homey touch to any property but street art is another story. Street art can be great in the right setting but no one appreciates graffiti vandalism. If your home or business has been hit with an unwanted paint job, call a Gorilla right away! Professional Georgetown graffiti removal will have your property looking great in no time at all.

What Graffiti Means For You :

In high traffic areas, like the downtown core, street art just happens – it is a fact of life! Everything from full murals to tiny tags can be seen littering walls and ruining curb appeal. Tags are small designs that act as signatures for neighbourhood graffiti artists. These designs might be unappealing but some can even be offensive or hateful.

When it comes to communal areas or public works, graffiti removal is organized by government bodies to clear any and all paint left behind but private property is another story. Whether you have a residential or commercial property, offensive or unsightly stains can ruin a reputation and even drive away foot traffic.

Leaving paint to sit on surfaces creates a bad impression of homes and storefronts, so much so that it might alienate visitors or turn away foot traffic. Many property owners are quick to reach for over-the-counter cleaning products to deal with paint stains but this is a mistake! The longer that paint sits, the further it bakes into the façades of walls. The wrong approach leaves behind shadowing, overspray and can even cause paint bleeding.

Graffiti Removal Services: Getting a Gorilla-Grade Clean

Locally owned and operated services are able to provide quick and comprehensive service to any and all property types. Every spray paint removal begins with a thorough inspection of the affected areas and surrounding spaces. Taking account of aged or weakened materials means avoiding unnecessary damage.

Foaming cleansers are applied to paint, digging deep into textures and loosening stains from surfaces that can then be brushed away with soft bristles brushes. With all of the surface stains taken care of, our technicians have a better idea of what further action is needed. This might be anything from pressure washing to paint matching, but no matter the technique, there is no paint left behind.

There is no way to prevent graffiti from happening, but there are methods to make removal easier. Gorilla treatments feature an optional application of anti-graffiti coating. Graffiti removal can be part of regularly scheduled maintenance or is available as an emergency call-out service.

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