- All rooftops and valleys to be cleared of branches, leaves and debris
- High-pressure vacuums and/or by hand removal
- All downspouts water tested
- Before and after digital photos
The drainage systems around your property can go by many names. Perimeter drains, eavestrough and gutters may be referred to differently but they all have the same goal in mind: to transport water. Rain water, snow melt and collected moisture can all be found inside gutters in one way or another. A bit of water here and there is not a problem but clogs can be. If you are in need of a fresh start for your eavestrough, call today for your Rocky Mountain House gutter cleaning.
What Is Clogging Up Your Gutters?
The items inside your gutters are usually divided into two levels: the surface layer and the foundation layer. The surface layer of gutter clutter is made up of newer items, usually larger in size and lighter in weight. These items pile on top of the heavier items of the foundation layer. As items pile up, they retain moisture and invite more and more issues. A damp and covered environment is an ideal home for pests. Insects, rodents and even small animals can create nests inside your gutters, leading to even more blockages for you to deal with. In addition to creating clogs, these pests can make their way inside over time, leading to infestations. There is nothing good that comes from blocked gutters, so don’t let them get that way! By making our Rocky Mountain House eavestrough cleaning a twice annual service, you can keep gutters clear all year round.
Rocky Mountain House Gutter Cleaning: Getting Results
In order to get rid of any and all debris that is sitting inside your drainage system, our Gorillas use top of the line tools and safety and equipment. You might be able to lift larger items out by hand but for those foundation layers, only a specialty vacuum can get the job done properly. Our Gorillas are able to clean both opened drains and covered downspouts. If you are curious as to the difference between a blocked gutter and an emptied one, let us show you! Every Gorilla is equipped with a smartphone and are able to take ‘before and after’ photos for our clients. In addition to photos, our Rocky Mountain House eavestrough cleaning includes water testing. By running water through your drainage system, our Gorillas can verify that there is no blockage hiding out down the line.